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Is Federal District Judge James C. Cacheris Suffering From A Type Of Cognitive Impairment? Alzheime

This is a legitimate question based on what I personally witnessed.

While waiting in Judge Cacheris’ courtroom on Thursday, November 17, 2016 after 11 AM a white male entered Judge Cacheris’ courtroom from Judge Cacheris’ chambers. He wore a white long sleeve shirt and dark bottoms. I could not tell if his pants were black or navy blue. He proceeded directly to the court clerk’s section of the bench and moved about the desk as if he was looking for something. Although I was looking at him, I wasn’t focused on him.

Before his arrival I had been sitting alone in Judge Cacheris’ courtroom for about three minutes while waiting for the white male security employee to return with information for me about my 10 AM Scheduling Conference that I had missed for my action against Defendant FedEx Ground Package System, Inc. (“FedEx Ground”).

The security employee had ridden the elevator with me to Judge Cacheris’ courtroom because I am claustrophobic. When we arrived at Judge Cacheris’ courtroom it was empty. The security employee asked me to have a seat in Judge Cacheris’ courtroom while he went to make inquiries for me about my Scheduling Conference.

About three minutes later a female entered the courtroom from Judge Cacheris’ chambers. She was a short, dark skin black female with short black natural hair. From Judge Cacheris’ chambers she walked straight through the courtroom on the side where she had entered and, I assume because I did not actually see her after she walked past the area where I was sitting, exited the courtroom.

Seconds later a white female appeared at the doorway of Judge Cacheris’ chambers. In a mommy-talking-to-a-two-year-old voice, she said “Judge. Come on now. Let’s go. Let’s go Judge. Come on.” The tone of her voice was calm and pacifying, and this jolted me because according to the female, she was talking to a “judge”. I will never forget the tone of her voice. In particular, I will never forget how the tone of her voice made me feel.

At that very moment I thought “Why is she talking to the judge like that?” I turned my head away from the lady to look at the man that SHE had just called “judge”. Until this point, I did not know that the man was Judge Cacheris or a judge at all. I did not know what Judge Cacheris looked like because I’ve never seen or met him.

At this point the man was standing straight up, and the look on his face shocked me. He was looking around the courtroom with a dazed look on his face; a confused look on his face; a disoriented look on his face. He looked as though he was lost; as if he did not know where he was.

I watched him in disbelief because I could see that there was something very wrong with the man who had just been called “judge”. Mentally wrong. I just stared at him. I could not stop staring at him. I kept staring at him. My brain went on overdrive struggling to process what I was witnessing. I was trying to reconcile the man that I was looking at with the lady’s tone of voice and the word “judge”.

But, I couldn’t do it because there was something definitely mentally wrong with the man that had just been called “judge”.

While still focused on the man, I could somewhat hear the lady speaking to him and in my peripheral vision I could see her walking towards him.

When she stopped walking she said “Judge, give me your hand. Give me your hand judge. Come on. Give me your hand.” Again, she spoke to the man in a mommy-speaking-to-a-two-year-old voice. Her voice was still calm and soothing. I don’t know if he gave her his hand or if she grabbed his hand but the next thing I saw was that she had her arm around his waist guiding him towards what I assume was his chambers.

Although I was staring at him the entire time, I did not see him walk down the bench stairs or see her walk up them. They entered the judge’s chambers and the door closed.

The man referred to as “judge” never spoke one word the entire time.

Minutes later the security employee arrived. He handed me an Order. The elevator took us down. Then I rode the escalator down to the entrance and exited the building.

After seeing what I saw with my own eyes and hearing what I heard with my own ears on November 17, 2016, I am 99% certain that the man the lady referred to as “judge” and behaved as if he was inflicted with Alzheimer or some type of brain disorder was indeed Judge Cacheris.

I will not say that I am 100% certain only because I have never met Judge Cacheris. However, I have no reason to believe that it was another judge that had entered Judge Cacheris’ courtroom from Judge Cacheris’ chambers. If so, where was Judge Cacheris while all of this was unfolding?

Without any hesitation or trepidation I stand 100% by every word that I have written about what I personally witnessed in Judge Cacheris’ courtroom on November 17, 2016.

After reading the so-called “Memorandum Opinion” dated February 14, 2017 that has Judge Cacheris’ name attached to it I am now 99.99999% certain that the man the female referred to as “judge”, was indeed Judge Cacheris.

The “Memorandum Opinion” is an absolute JOKE.

It made me laugh out loud.

Be it a law clerk; or a court clerk; or a paralegal; or a legal assistant; or a legal secretary, it definitely wasn’t written by Judge Cacheris or by any other judge.

Plainly, the “Memorandum Opinion” was written by a total MORON.

Clearly, the MORON made a mockery of the Alexandria Division of the United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia.

The so-called “Memorandum Opinion” is supposed to be in response to the written objections that I made against Federal Magistrate Judge Theresa Carroll Buchanan (“Judge Buchanan”) and filed with the District Court. But, it plainly is not.

The “Memorandum Opinion” is so poorly written that it leaves absolutely no doubt that someone who clearly is not a judge decided my Objections; wrote the very poorly written “Memorandum Opinion”; and issued the “Order”.

The MORON that wrote the “Memorandum Opinion” conspicuously wrote it in defense of Judge Buchanan and FedEx Ground as if they are her clients.

Akin to attorneys, the MORON misrepresents facts that are adverse to Judge Buchanan and FedEx Ground; lies by omitting material, relevant, and pertinent facts; and simply tells LUDICROUS lies.

There are, in fact, just too many misrepresentations and lies to enumerate them all. So, I will only discuss a few.

The most bizarre lie the MORON told in the “Memorandum Opinion” includes a fake exchange of a conversation amongst Judge Buchanan, Counsel for FedEx Ground, and I at FedEx Ground’s sham motions hearing held on October 28, 2016.

The fake conversation is on pages 6, 8, and 9. The MORON wrote:

Plaintiff: Theirs is overdue.

Judge Buchanan: I understand that, but you wouldn’t sign a protective order. They’re I’m sure going to file their responses or give you their responses promptly. When are they going to be provided?

Defendant’s Counsel: Oh yeah, definitely within a week your honor.

Judge Buchanan: OK. So I assume that you can provide your responses within a week as well, not waiting for them, but by next Friday.


Following oral argument, Judge Buchanan granted

Defendant’s motion, ordering Plaintiff to provide

discovery responses and available deposition dates

to Defendant no later than Friday, November 4, 2016.

The Court also ordered FedEx Ground to provide its

discovery responses to Plaintiff by November 2, 2016,

and to designate confidential documents.

Emphasis added.

Defendant indicated that it could provide its discovery responses to plaintiff by November 2, 2016 Emphasis added.

Yet, the MORON made this outlandish claim of exchange.

On page 2, paragraph 1, the MORON wrote that a coworker had lodged a complaint against me while I was employed with FedEx Ground.

Yet, the MORON does not point to on the record where this is stated or alleged. That is because it is nowhere on the record. It is nowhere on the record because it is a lie; a coworker never lodged a complaint against me while I was employed with FedEx Ground.

On page 10, paragraph 94 of my Complaint, I alleged:

Emphasis added.

My allegation can easily be confirmed if only FedEx Ground would provide me with the audiotaped interview and discussion as FedEx Ground is required to do so pursuant to the rules of discovery. But, for obvious reasons FedEx Ground will not.

On page 3, under Analysis A, the MORON plainly misrepresents my contention that it would not be Fair and Impartial to me for the Court to grant FedEx Ground’s bogus motions to compel me to answer FedEx Ground’s discovery requests because FedEx Ground had not responded to my discovery requests that I had sent to it weeks before FedEx Ground had sent its discovery requests to me. The MORON wrote:

This saga began in earnest on October 21, 2016, when

Defendant filed a Motion for Protective Order and to

Compel [Dkt. 18]. At the time, both parties had propounded discovery requests … Emphasis added.

Really? Seriously? Could the MORON have been any more transparent?

On page 4, paragraph 3, the MORON wrote:

In light of the sensitive business documents requested by

Plaintiff … the Court concurs with Judge Buchanan’s finding

that good cause existed for the protective order. Emphasis added.

However, the MORON does not point to on the record where on the record shows that Judge Buchanan reviewed “sensitive business documents” and where on the record does Judge Buchanan make a "finding" that "good cause" existed for the protective order.

That is because Judge Buchanan did not review any “sensitive business documents”. FedEx Ground’s “cream of the crop” attorneys didn’t even bring any documents, sensitive or otherwise, to FedEx Ground’s protective order motion hearing. Nor did Judge Buchanan make a “finding” that “good cause” existed for the protective order as she was required law to do pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (“Fed. R. Civ. P.”) Rule 26(c).

Rule 26(c) reads in pertinent part:

A protective order should be granted only when the moving party establishes “good cause” for the order, and “justice” requires a protective order to protect a party or person from annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expenses when requiring that a trade secret or other confidential research, development, or commercial information not be revealed or be revealed only in a specified way. Emphasis added.

On page 13, paragraph 3 the MORON wrote:

“Plaintiff also argues that Judge Buchanan erred

in not requiring Defendant to turn over video footage

and audio recordings she claimed Defendant to

have in its possession. Defendant, however, claimed

that it had turned over all such recordings it possessed.

Judge Buchanan credited this representation, and

the Court has before it no reason to second guess

Judge Buchanan’s decision.” Emphasis added.

The MORON does not point to on the record where I had argued that Judge Buchanan erred in not requiring Defendant to turn over "video footage and audio recordings.” That is because the record clearly shows that I did not make said argument.

The record clearly shows that I had argued that Judge Buchanan erred in not requiring FedEx Ground to turn over the two video footages of the alleged workplace violence for which FedEx Ground had alleged as the reason why it had terminated me, and the accompanied audiotaped interview and discussion.

Clearly there is a colossal difference between what I had actually argued and what the MORON claims that I had argued.

Clearly the MORON knows that there is a massive difference between what it claims that I had argued and what I had actually argued.

Furthermore, the record clearly shows that Judge Buchanan had turned a blind eye to my contention. Neither in her multiple Orders against me and for FedEx Ground nor in her Report and Recommendation did Judge Buchanan ever acknowledge the two video footages of the alleged workplace violence, and the accompanied audiotaped interview and discussion.

FedEx Ground admits in its Answer that the two video footages of the alleged workplace violence, and the accompanied audiotaped interview and discussion exist. FedEx Ground claims that these discovery evidences that I am entitled by law are no longer in FedEx Ground’s “possession”.

FedEx Ground has never explained why its own property that admittedly was in its possession is no longer in its “possession”.

Judge Buchanan NEVER made any inquiries as to why FedEx Ground’s own property is no longer in its "possession".

On page 3, paragraph 3 the MORON wrote:

Plaintiff refused to consent to a protective order,

claiming that she intended to publicize materials

received in discovery through a book and blog.

Emphasis added.

Yet, the MORON does not point to on the record where I had made said statement. That is because I did not make this claim. I stated that I refuse to agree to a protective order because FedEx Ground’s confidentiality agreement treads on my FUNDAMENTAL right to Free Speech and Free Expression. This is plainly on the record.

According to the MORON, it is my fault that FedEx Ground’s “pure genius” attorneys are crybaby tattletales.

On page 14, paragraph 2 the MORON wrote:

Rather than comply, Plaintiff continued to respond to Defendant’s inquiries with acerbic emails that she must have assumed would be brought to the Court’s attention, as her previous emails had been… Emphasis added.

OH! MY! GERTNESS! The extremely high level of STUPIDITY this MORON has is simply AMAZING!

The so-called “Memorandum Opinion” is also nefarious; vindictive in that the MORON takes issue with my usage of the uncommon phrase “copied and pasted’ that I had used to describe how another judge, Judge Hilton, had taken the lazy route to his so-called “Opinion” by copying someone’s words instead of using his own words.

On page 17, paragraph 2. The MORON wrote:

Much of the Objection appears copied-and-pasted

from Plaintiff’s earlier filings, … Emphasis added.

After all of the fraudulent statements and outright lies told by this MORON, on page 3, paragraph 2 the MORON admitted that I had in fact given Judge Buchanan numerous opportunities to provide me with a Fair and Impartial Court. The MORON wrote:

Plaintiff objects to virtually every Order entered by

Judge Buchanan in the course of these proceedings,

as well as Judge Buchanan’s Report and Recommendations. Emphasis added.

You Are Cordially Invited To File

An Amicus Brief on My Behalf

The MORON has been assured that his fraudulent decision will be AFFIRMED on appeal. That is why the MORON is so blatant with misrepresenting facts and committing fraud in order to defend Judge Buchanan and FedEx Ground’s egregious behavior.

Consequently, I will petition the Supreme Court of the United States. I invite you to join me.

Stay Tuned.

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