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Federal Magistrate Judge Theresa Carroll Buchanan Is A LIAR

She is also dishonest, unethical, and untrustworthy.

In her transparent attempt to assist FedEx Ground in its scheme to willfully hide discovery evidences from me that are clearly damaging to FedEx Ground, Bully Judge THERESA CARROLL BUCHANAN (“Judge Buchanan”) a Federal Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, lied by omitting material, relevant, and pertinent facts.

On May 17, 2016 I filed a lawsuit against Defendant FedEx Ground Package System, Inc. (“FedEx Ground”). In my lawsuit I alleged that FedEx Ground had violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, when FedEx Ground had failed to protect me from a hostile work environment because of my gender, female, that was caused by and created by two male employees.

I also alleged that in retaliation, FedEx Ground falsely accused me of workplace violence then unjustly suspended and terminated me.

I am representing myself.

FedEx Ground is represented by its in-house Senior Attorney Mitchell S. Bober and the law firm of BRIGLIAHUNDLEY, P.C. which includes Attorney Nicholas V. Cumings. BRIGLIAHUNDLEY, P.C. is located in Tysons Corner, Virginia.

The motions to compel and for deposition dates were bogus because I had already informed FedEx Ground that I would answer its discovery requests and provide deposition dates as soon as FedEx Ground secures its protective order and answers my discovery requests.

Weeks prior, FedEx Ground had refused to respond to the bulk of my discovery requests that I had sent to FedEx Ground long before FedEx Ground had sent its discovery requests to me.

It took FedEx Ground over thirty (30) days to even make a motion for the protection order.

On October 28, 2016 a hearing was held for FedEx Ground’s bogus motions. At the hearing, Judge Buchanan ordered FedEx Ground to respond to my discovery requests by 5 PM on Wednesday, November 2, 2016, and she ordered me to respond to FedEx Ground’s discovery requests by 5 PM on Friday, November 4, 2016.

Neither I nor FedEx Ground’s “genius” attorneys objected to Judge Buchanan’s Order. Both sides agreed to comply with Judge Buchanan’s Order to respond to the other’s discovery requests.

I did not object to that part of Judge Buchanan’s Order that granted FedEx Ground’s bogus motions to compel me since she had ORDERED FedEx Ground to respond to my discovery requests, and to do so before I was required to respond to FedEx Ground’s discovery requests.

FedEx Ground did not comply with Judge Buchanan’s October 28, 2016 Order.

Instead, on November 2, 2016, FedEx Ground sent me over 300 pieces of what amounted to TRASH documents, most of which were duplicate documents that.

As FedEx Ground had plainly planned, none of the documents answered any of my interrogatories.

Moreover, FedEx Ground did not send the two video footages of the alleged workplace violence. And, the compact disc “copy” of the audiotaped interview and discussion that accompanies the two video footages of the alleged workplace violence would not play. Again, as FedEx Ground had clearly planned.

On page 2, paragraph two of FedEx Ground’s emergency motion FedEx Ground confirmed Judge Buchanan’s October 28, 2016. FedEx Ground’s “boy wonder” attorney Cumings wrote:

Emphasis added.

Yet, in her Order dated November 15, 2016 Judge Buchanan lied by omitting the material, relevant, and pertinent fact that she had ORDERED FedEx Ground to turn over discovery to me. Judge Buchanan wrote:

First of all, FedEx Ground’s “above-average” attorneys never “indicated” anything. They outright agreed to comply with Judge Buchanan’s Order to turn over discovery to me.

Second, FedEx Ground would not at all benefit from a lie that Judge Buchanan had “… ordered FedEx Ground to provide its discovery responses to Plaintiff by November 2, 2016 …”

Judges like THERESA CARROLL BUCHANAN are the reason why innocent people are in PRISON; why innocent people are on DEATH ROW; why innocent people have been EXECUTED.

Judge Buchanan is clearly a LIAR.

Indeed, Judge Buchanan is a BULLY judge.

However, it’s HARD to beat a person that NEVER gives up.

Stay Tuned.

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